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Mindestbestellwert in DE 35€
Color: Crystal Clear
invisibobble® EXTRA CARE, the traceless hair ring. With HAIRLOVETECH™. Ideal for fine hair, the EXTRA CARE ensures superior comfort by gently gripping the hair.
1. Grab the amount of hair you want to put together2. Wrap around the spiral as many times as needed3. Enjoy a secure hold and no pain all-day4. Wear it around your wrist if not needed for a fashionable look
Content: 1 Pkg. includes 3 invisibobbles®
Juhu, endlich :) ein Haargummi, den ich nur 2 Mal um mein dünnes Haar wickeln muss - zaubert einen superschönen Pferdeschwanz.
Einziges Manko - zwinkern - ich wünsch mir eine größere Farbauswahl!